The Joint Sugar House...the Chiropractic place

Friday, January 25, 2013

Chiropractic treatment for Salt Lake City Athletes

As part of our community outreach program at The Joint Sugar House, we volunteer with several of the local high school and collegiate  athletic teams. Over the past several weeks we have been working with the Westminster College track team. We meet with the team on a weekly basis and provide chiropractic adjustments on the lower extremities of the athletes. The goal of the adjustments is three fold.
    First is to ensure proper alignment of the many bones and joints of the ankle and to preserve the symmetry side to side. This helps to reduce the risk of injury due to poor biomechanics. With previous teams we have worked with, non-contact ankle injuries were reduce by nearly 100% with regular adjustments compared to previous years without care.
    The second goal of the adjustment is to increase flexibility and range of motion in the ankle. Increased flexibility allows for faster transition from the push off phase of gait to the strike position. This reduces the drag and increases performance. In a sport where tenths or even hundredths of seconds make the difference between first place and second every bit of drag counts.
    Third and possibly most important result of adjustments is increased proprioception. This is the bodies awareness of where it is in space. It is what gives us our balance. Increased awareness and balance will increase the athlete's performance as well.
      We wish Westminster track team the best as their season begins and are excited to monitor the results of regular chiropractic care on their performance and health this season.