The Joint Sugar House...the Chiropractic place

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Combine Chiropractic with Excercise

Consider the health benefits of regular exercise. It lowers cholesterol and high blood pressure, helps poor blood circulation, prevents osteoporosis, lowers inflammation in your body, helps you lose weight easier,increases your energy level and stamina, helps keep your mind sharp and increases your ability to concentrate. Exercise is a known mood enhancer and is proven to be more effective than drugs in relieving depression.  For peak performance, combine regular exercise with chiropractic care. Before starting a new exercise regime, get a chiropractic evaluation to see if you have good balance and to check for any preexisting joint or spinal problems. Chiropractic care improves athletic performance, range of motion, flexibility, and posture and increases your energy level.

To your health,

The Joint Chiropractic Team