The Joint Sugar House...the Chiropractic place

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Once you go to a chiropractor, you have to go for the rest of your life

A new patient came in to The Joint in Sugar House and was visibly apprehensive, so I asked him, “What’s wrong?” He replied, “I’m worried because once you start going to a chiropractor you have to go for the rest of your life.” I smiled and jokingly said, “That’s true – I know a patient who brushes his teeth – sometimes every single day (gasp).” Then in a more serious tone I reminded him that when Consumers’ Report reviewed the top treatments for back and neck pain in September of 2011, chiropractic outperformed all other treatments. I explained that I only recommend treatment that is needed for his condition – no more, no less. At a minimum I would simply treat his neck and back pain symptoms, but as a responsible physician I would also recommend the best care possible. I then proceeded to describe his problems and causes, the treatment goals, and how we would work together until we reached those goals. In other words, once his goals were met – treatment would stop.

You see, every profession has its myths and misunderstandings. Another I often hear as a chiropractor in Salt Lake City is, “If you get adjusted a lot, your spine will become loose and you will always need care.” Or how about, “Too many adjustments will give you arthritis in your spine.” It’s hard not to laugh, but these are serious concerns for some people. I’m reminded of the propagandist who said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." The fact is, none of these chiropractic myths are true and none of them have any research to substantiate them.

It’s important to understand that there are three main types of chiropractic care at The Joint in Sugar House:
  1. Acute or crisis care – to relieve a new and specific pain. This is care to relieve a headache; a neck pain; a rib being out; or that new back pain that keeps you from getting out of bed. Pinched nerves, disc injuries, numbness or tingling, sciatica, accidents, and other injuries are other examples. Most of the time these painful symptoms are signs of a much deeper issue which will worsen the longer the underlying cause remains untreated. This care may take a few visits, a couple of weeks, or in some cases months. It depends on the age of the patient, the severity of the injury, and how long they’ve had it. (Unfortunately, some patients stay in this phase of care because they STOP treatments too early and never correct their problems; therefore they return to crisis and symptomatic neck or back pain relief care when their “problems” return.) 
  2. Reconstructive care – to fix or restore function. This may be the second phase of care from an acute injury (for those who choose to continue care) or the beginning phase to correct a long term problem. The goal in this phase is to get the biomechanical structure of the spine functioning with the least amount of pressure on the nervous system. Examples include: “normal” back pain, arthritis, stenosis, and other problems that have never really been corrected in the past. 
  3. Maintenance or wellness care. Once you have put the time and energy into correcting a problem, you don’t want it to come back. This type of chiropractic care is preventative. Resolving everyday stress and stressors is part of wellness care. Many of our patients simply want to STAY healthy. Our proactive patients and athletes fall into this category. 
To put it briefly, you only have to go to a chiropractor for a long time if you decide that’s right for you. Some people take vitamins all their life; some choose to go to the gym; and others will continue to eat healthy and choose the best foods to eat. It’s really a matter of personal choice. I guess it depends on what you want to accomplish, doesn’t it? The extent to which you choose to benefit from your chiropractic care is ultimately up to you. As for me and my family, I have chosen a lifetime of preventative chiropractic care and we are healthier for it.

-Michael Lindstrom, D.C.