The Joint Sugar House...the Chiropractic place

Friday, April 29, 2016

How Salt Lake City Chiropractors help relieve pressure on your nervous system

I was recently reminded of an old story about a man who had a rock in his shoe.  The longer he had the rock in his shoe, the more it hurt.  So, after a while, he decided to do something about it.

He went to his MD.  His MD did his evaluation, took a blood sample, took a few x-rays and ordered an MRI.  Came to the conclusion that the man was in pain because he had a rock in his shoe, and gave the man a prescription for a pain pill and a muscle relaxer.  The man was told to return in a month if the pain did not subside.

He went to a Physical Therapist.  His PT did his evaluation and immediately recommended a regimen of stretching the muscles (which at that point had become very tight), doing some ultrasound to the bottom of his foot in order to decrease the inflammation, and specific muscle strengthening exercises to stabilize the foot and ankle.

He went to an Orthopedic Surgeon who recommended surgery to relieve the pressure on the bottom of the mans foot caused by the rock.

Finally, he went to a Salt Lake City Chiropractor who removed the rock from his shoe.  

Yes, I realize that the story is a little silly, but there is more truth to it than you probably realize.  Medical Professionals are trained to relieve symptoms with the use of drugs...and they are good at what they do.  Physical Therapists are trained to work with the muscular system to alleviate symptoms and weakness...and they are good at what they do.  Surgeons are trained to use surgery as a means to alleviate symptoms...and they are good at what they do.  Chiropractors in Salt Lake City are trained to relieve pressure on the nervous system in order to allow your body to function optimally...and we are good at what we do.  

If your symptom is being caused by pressure on the nervous system because of misalignment of the spine and other joints...Your best course of treatment should be chiropractic care.  Instead of dealing only with the symptoms with the use of drugs and surgery...Attack the main problem by taking the rock out of your shoe (removing the pressure from the nerve) and you will be amazed at what your body can do.