The Joint Sugar House...the Chiropractic place

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Headaches: What are the Different Types?

Headaches are no fun and are a big nuisance. Headaches can change your attitude and your day.  According to the National Headache Foundation, over 45 million Americans suffer from recurring headaches, and 28 million of these Americans suffer from migraines.  Children are even suffering from headaches at a 20 percent average.

There are a large range of headache types.  Actually there are 150 different kinds of headache categories that have been established.  These are the most common:

Tension Headaches-also known as chronic daily headaches.  These are the most common headaches among adults and adolescents.  The muscle contraction can cause mild to moderate pain that lasts over a long period of time.
Migraines-no one knows the exact cause of migraine headaches, but there is a theory that there are triggers that cause abnormal brain activity, which in turn causes changes with the blood vessels in the brain.  Some believe migraines are hereditary, but some cases are inherited.  Migraine pain can last from four hours to three days and can cause moderate to severe pain.  Sensitivity to smells and light is very common and can cause nausea and vomiting.  Pain has been described as throbbing and pounding.
Sinus Headaches-is associated with pain in the cheekbones, forehead and bridge of the nose.  Pain seems worse when movement of the head occurs.  Sinus Headaches usually occur with other symptoms such as nasal drainage, fever, fullness in the ears and facial swelling.
Cluster Headaches-these are the least common but most severe.  They can be described as a piercing, burning sensation that is constant.  The pain is commonly located behind one eye or the eye region and doesn’t change sides.  Pain can be so severe that the person can’t sit still and will pace or move around often.  The name comes from the headaches coming in clusters of one to three a day and can last two weeks to three months.  Headaches will then go away completely for months or years only to reoccur again.
Mixed Headache Syndrome-also known as transformed migraines, these are a combination of migraines and tension headaches.  Adults and children can be affected.

Ways to help the headache process can be a pain-reliever, drink plenty of fluid, add a cold compress to the back of your head and neck, massage acupressure points, relax in a cold, dark room.  Ways to prevent getting headaches are to get plenty of rest, relax daily, exercise, get regular chiropractic adjustments, drink plenty of water, and eat healthy.