With it being the week of the Super Bowl, I decided to write this particular blog about the benefits of chiropractic care with athletes. In previous blogs, we have discussed the numerous benefits of chiropractic care when it comes to pain relief, injury prevention and general overall health. Now, we get to discuss a topic that most of us will never get to experience.
Elite athletes are much different than the rest of us. They push their bodies to the absolute limits each and every day. Whether they are trying to gain speed, strength or agility, elite athletes are required to get every ounce of ability out of their bodies in order to achieve greatness.
For example, let’s just take a look at the Olympics. Many events at the Olympics are decided by tenths, hundredths, or even thousandths of a second. Think about that for a minute. Once every four years, an athlete has one single opportunity to earn a Gold Medal in a sport that they have worked their entire lives to earn. And that medal will be awarded to an athlete that ran a race in .001 second faster than the guy who finished second.

By adjusting the spine (and extremity joints), chiropractors are helping the body to function to the best of its abilities. When the bones of the body are properly aligned, movement is fluid and natural. The body doesn't have to strain or work harder than it should in order to move. There is no wasted motion or wasted energy when the body functions properly.
Now, to you and me this really doesn't matter much. Does it really matter if you can stand up from a chair in .001 second faster than someone else? Does it matter if you can wash dishes just a little faster than someone else? Does it matter if you exert a little more effort picking up that bottle of water?
To elite athletes, these things are HUGE!!! Fractions of a second can mean the difference between a Gold Medal and no medal at all. Or, it can mean the difference between making the game-saving tackle or missing the runner and allowing the TD. It can mean the difference between a home run and a lazy fly ball. Or, it could mean the difference between a 300 yard drive and a slice into the woods.
When you get into the world of professional and world class athletics, fractions of a second could literally mean millions of dollars are earned or lost. Fame and fortune vs. failure and loss. This is the reason that elite athletes use chiropractic care.
~ Dr. Michael Hill