me a little bit and come with me into a conversation that I have over
and over again. Whether it is with a patient in our office, or with
someone I meet in my personal life.
Upon hearing that I am a chiropractor, there is almost invariably a statement like:
Other person: Yeah, I saw a chiropractor a few years ago. He helped me a lot.
Me: Great, so do you still see him?
Other person: No, he fixed me all up. I haven't needed to go back.
Me: Oh... That's awesome. By the way, did you brush your teeth this morning?
Other person: (After giving me a slightly dirty look) Yeah.
Me: Did they hurt when you woke up this morning?
Other person: No...
Me: Well then why did you brush them?
Other person: (silence...)
Me: If they didn't hurt, why did you brush them?
Other person: (slowly and starting to understand what I am getting at...) keep them from hurting.
Me: Oh, so maintenance care and prevention is OK for your teeth, but not for you spine?
Other person: (silence...)
at this point, I let them off the hook and make a joke so as to lift
the building tension. As you can guess, I am a hoot at parties.
I have this conversation ALL THE TIME. Seriously...your teeth chew
your food and (hopefully) look good when you smile. That's about it.
Your spine controls EVERY SINGLE THING that happens in your body. From
cell reproduction to movement to healing processes to immune response.
It all happens through your spine. Teeth...they chew up your meat.
why do you think people devote around 5 minutes a day (maybe more) to
their teeth and do so very willingly...yet they put up such a fight when
it comes to maintaining the health of their spine?
best guess is that it all comes down to money. Maintaining the health
of your teeth my cost a couple of bucks a month. Regular chiropractic
maintenance care can be expensive when you're seeing the chiropractor
once a week and you're paying an average of $55-$70 per adjustment.
That's why we are trying to change that. At The Joint Salt Lake City, we have programs
and plans that can provide a regular maintenance care adjustment for as
low as $14.75 per adjustment. There is no long term commitment needed
and you get the care that your body needs.
care is not a new thing for health care...Seriously, when was the last
time your dentist said, "OK, you're done. Come back the next time your
teeth hurt?" Yet, that's what is expected from a chiropractor?
Come see us and we will help you maintain the most important functions in your body