The Joint Sugar House...the Chiropractic place

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Salt Lake City Chiropractors help reduce the source of pain

The Need for Continued Chiropractic Care in Salt Lake City

            “Why won’t my spine stay in?  Why won’t it stay aligned?  Is there something wrong with me?”  For most patients, the faulty reasoning in these questions is easy to conceptually resolve.  For others, some greater basic understanding of their physiology is needed.
            Some patients mistakenly believe that if they’re ‘out’, or, misaligned, they just need to get adjusted once in order to resolve it, and the need for their next treatment is far off into the future.  A healthier understanding begins when we consider the various causes of your misalignments. 
If we rule out the obvious incidents (accidents, falls, or some other sort of trauma), we’re largely left to analyze your day-to-day habits.  Do you work at a desk?  Do you spend a good amount of time driving?  What about phone time?  Whether you answered yes to any of these questions, or whether there exists another cause for you, there is an inherent common denominator in your seemingly endless pattern of misalignments:  Gravity.

We’re all guilty of slouching and not maintaining a continuous proper posture.  It is a seemingly innocent problem when only done once in a while, but unremitting habits is where we get into trouble.  A primary reason for your muscle tone is to resist the forces of gravity.  And when we don’t have proper posture, our compensating musculature will cause our spine to lock up, as our bodies conservatively seek stability.
So when you get adjusted and aligned, consider the uphill battle your body is up against when we fully weigh in the vast amount of time and muscle memory that existed up until your adjustment.  We are creatures of habit—largely without even being aware of it!  If we are to train your spine to remain aligned rather than misaligned, we need to do just that; TRAIN IT!  You don’t go the gym and work out once and feel satisfied that you’ll be fit forever!  Likewise, you don’t brush your teeth once and figure that you’ll now be cavity-free for the rest of your life!
Please also consider that you don’t usually do things symmetrically.  And as we create our own imbalances (right vs left; front vs back, etc.), gravity wins again.  Do you now see the value and need for Chiropractic Care in Salt Lake City on a Wellness level?  It may seem somewhat daunting at first to think you are in continuous need of chiropractic adjustments, but as your body/spine becomes more and more trained, your treatment frequency will lessen.  Don’t misunderstand, I am by no means saying that the need for treatments goes away, but I am saying that you can be confident that your body has arrived at a higher level of health.  Now just keep it there!

Dr. Kelby Martin