As you can probably guess, as a Salt Lake City chiropractor
I get a lot of questions about people's health. You may have also noticed that
I get some questions repeatedly & when I do, I usually write about them in
a blog post. Well, you guessed it, this months commonly asked question has to
do with patients asking me,
"How can I fix that?"
Another version of that same question has been,
"Why does this keep happening?" &
"What can I do to make it stay in place?"
I get it! In today's society we are all about getting
things fixed. Something goes wrong with our car, we take it to the shop so they
can fix it or we try to fix it ourself. Same thing with our computer. Something
goes wrong or it just isn't working the way we think it should. We take it to a
computer expert to "fix it".
It seems that today, whatever problem arises in our
life, we can take it somewhere & get it fixed. So, I can completely
understand someone's thought process when they come to me to help them with
their pain or to get their spine checked. It makes sense on the surface, but as
we begin to understand our body & how it works, it can become clearer what
it needs to get & stay healthy.
If we take a look at what our lives look like today
& compare it to what lives looked like decades ago, we quickly see the many
differences & challenges that we face today that weren't there decades ago.
Our bodies are designed to deal with some stress and back pain, & then be
able to rest from that stress. Today we are bombarded with stress. Physical,
chemical & emotional stress have become apart of our daily lives. We get
very little break from them. Think about your hobbies, work routine & your
general daily life. How many times do we find ourselves doing repetitive things
or motions? We all have a dominant side. So just even the act of walking around
or going up/down stairs. Our dominant side will work differently (more/less)
than our non-dominant side. It may be just a slight difference but as we move
throughout the day, those slight differences all add up.
This is one example of how our bodies work. So when
someone asks me one or both of those questions above, I talk to them about
these things & tell them chiropractic isn't about "fixing"
things, because we will continue to live our daily lives with stress. So,
chiropractic is about maintaining rather than fixing. As I've said in past blog
posts, the key to chiropractic care is consistency. Every body is different, so
we need to find what your consistency needs to be & stick with it for
better health. Either that or go live in a cozy little bubble away from the
average daily life & stress.
I don't know about you, but I love living life, so I'll
keep up on my own consistent chiropractic care.
To Your Health,
Dr. Tuft