Happy New Year! Here we are again with a brand new year ahead of
us. As we look back on 2015, I hope we had many successes that we can use to
give us some momentum for greater success in 2016.
All across the world, people are making resolutions to be better
than they were previously. Those resolution will take many form. Some will be
financial. Some will have to do with our relationships, both personal &
business wise. Others will be about educating ourselves or increasing our
skills. Many will make resolutions to be kinder or more loving. Most will have
to do with our own health. Whether it's getting more sleep or eating better or
adding more exercise into our lives & taking better care of ourselves.
Many of those resolutions will be left behind, almost forgotten
within a few weeks. That might be because we begin to not follow through or we
may fall of the wagon or fail a few times. We should not let those things stand
in our way of bettering ourselves.
As you are aware, I am a Salt Lake City chiropractor. What you may not know is
that I am an entrepreneur & love business. As part of my 2016 resolutions,
I joined a mastermind group of other business owners where we can learn from
each other, encourage each other & because we are a group, we can be
greater together than if we were separate. In this mastermind, we have been
discussing failure & fear. You see, many if not most of us fear failure. As
we were discussing this it was brought out that fear is just anticipation that
you are going to fail. We then discussed failing & how powerful failure can
be in our success.
Henry Ford said, "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin
again, this time more intelligently." Another quote that I've heard but am
not sure the author is, "Failure is not the opposite of success, it's part
of success." Michael Jordan said, "I've missed more than 9000 shots
in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take
the game winning shot & missed. I've failed over & over & over
again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
Those mistakes or failures will always be apart, & come
before our success. It is up to us to see the power of failure. The sooner we
accept it, embrace it, adjust after it, & continue on, the sooner we will
find success.
So in 2016, lets become better than we have ever been by
continuing past the failures till we reach success. Remember that the key to
not only chiropractic, but success as well, is consistency. Consistently
continue moving forward toward whatever positive goals you have set for yourself.
To Your Health,
Dr. Tuft